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Men's Health

At Elevation Whole Health and Wellness, my approach to men's health includes evaluating your physical and mental health. You will NEVER feel judgment here. We can address sexual dysfunction, low libido, decreased sexual stamina, decreased athletic performance, decreased muscle mass, increased fat gain, difficulty with athletic recovery, low motivation, low energy, difficulty with mental focus, poor sleep, poor mood, fatigue.


I want to help you reach your healthcare goals and improve your quality of life and overall well-being.  

Powdering Hands
Woman and man in a sauna

Initial Consult $275 

This is your 75 minute initial consultation at which time we will review medical history, discuss your goals and develop a treatment plan together. Initial labs (included in the cost of this consult) should be completed PRIOR to this visit so we can review them together. We may discuss testosterone optimization, growth hormone optimization, peptides, vitamins, supplements, sexual health and weight loss at this visit. 

Testosterone Optimization Therapy $150/month 

If you qualify for testosterone optimization therapy, your monthly fee will include the testosterone and supplies shipped to your home for self-administration and all follow up labs. It is crucial that you have labs drawn every 3-6 months for proper monitoring. Follow up visits are included in this fee and will be scheduled every 3-6 months after labs are resulted and depending on your progress.​

This monthly fee includes:

  • One to two month supply of testosterone and necessary supplies.

  • Labs (to be drawn at Labcorp every 3-6 months). 

  • Discounted supply of lipotropic/B12 injections if desired ($125 addt'l)

  • All follow up visits with the nurse practitioner.

  • If you require other adjunctive medications, an additional monthly fee will apply. 

  • All other therapies, including peptides, will be customized and incur an additional monthly fee.

Men's Health Follow Up $60

For patients not on testosterone optimization therapy, you should be seen by the nurse practitioner for routine follow up. We will assess your progress, review goals and adjust your treatment plan as needed. 

  • The cost of medications are an additional fee. 


Semaglutide 1-2 Month Supply $375 - $475

Semaglutide is a GLP-1 agonist administered as an injection once weekly. This game-changing medication was initially indicated to treat Type 2 Diabetes but was later approved to aid in weight loss. It helps your pancreas release insulin appropriately. It slows down the time it takes food to move through your digestive tract, making you feel full longer. It helps regulate satiety and appetite hormones. In large studies, people lost, on average, 15% of their body weight, thus reducing risk of heart attack and stroke. This medication can be used for long-term weight management or shorter term weight reduction. This is a great adjunct for overweight or obese men taking testosterone who are focusing on gains as well as fat loss. 


This monthly fee includes:

  • One month supply of the medication and necessary supplies.

  • Discounted supply of lipotropic/B12 injections if desired ($125 addt'l)

  • All follow up visits with the nurse practitioner.

  • This medication must be titrated up slowly, which will require more monitoring/visits with the nurse practitioner until you reach a maintenance phase. 

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